The Plot The novel, written by Delia Owens, is set in 1950s and 60s South Carolina. The protagonist Kya, lives in the marshes. She is alone and is scarred by...
Since the UK government closed all restaurants last month, my Wagamama cravings had been going through the roof... until now! Executive Chef, Steve Mangleshot, has rid my withdrawal symptoms by...
The History of the Show In the latter half of 2019, the Queens' Theatre in London went through major refurbishment. Whilst the theatre closed and Les Miserables couldn't perform in...
This is an extremely uncertain and worrying time for many, as the Covid-19 crisis continues to plough through our very own way of life and disrupt business as usual. For...
The New Generation Thinkers scheme has named Liverpool English Department's very own Dr Sophie Oliver as one of ten members of the project for 2020. She joins Professor Alexandra Harris,...
Broadway made the shocking announcement on the 12th March that all shows and venues will be closing for the foreseeable future due to the Coronavirus pandemic. West End shortly followed...
In the summer of 2019, the Barn Theatre in Cirencester presented an inventive new production of William Shakespeare's play Henry V. The venue has released the archive footage of the...
Opinion pieces are the view of the author and in no way reflects the view of the Liverpool Guild Student Media or Liverpool Guild of Students. Dear NHS, Thank you. ...
A small countryside village is disrupted by murder in the third crime novel to feature Poirot as lead detective King’s Abbot. This is the small village where the novel is...
After a turnout of 5842 students voting, the Student Officer election results are in… Your guild President for 2020/21 is Adnan Hussain; with Chloe Field, Ffion Thomas and Imogen de...
Concerns surrounding the health and safety impacts of COVID-19 has led to the postponement of Varsity 2020 between UoL and JMU. Varsity 2020 Statement from the University of Liverpool and...