6th November 2023
Liverpool Guild Student Media do not endorse any candidate. Any view/opinion stated by a candidate is their opinion and does not represent the views/opinion of Liverpool Guild Student Media.
Year of Study: Masters
Subject of Study: Marketing
Could you briefly go over the main points of your manifesto?
The Guild App, which combines the My Liverpool, timetables etc and puts them in one place. This will make things much more accessible for people with disabilities.
Mental health workshops to help people express their feeling so no one has to suffer at uni.
A loyalty program for The Sphinx and Union Brew, so you can get a free drink after spending a certain amount.
An enhancement of the career provision, to provide more job opportunities and internships including those from the University itself.
What made you want to run to be a student officer?
Every student matters. It’s time for an update for things to get better for future and present students.
What aspects of Guild life are you most involved with currently? (societies, volunteering, etc.)
I have been volunteering in the Guild, as well as being in a variety of societies. I am happy to help out with lots of different societies.
Is there anything else you want to say to the student body?
I believe every student matters, so let’s come together and make a change.
Year of Study: Third Year
Subject of Study: History
Could you briefly go over the main points of your manifesto?
Make campus life more affordable, inclusive and enjoyable
Making the 699 bus free
Increasing bursaries, cutting course costs
Making the Guild easier to navigate
What made you want to run to be a student officer?
I think I’m best placed to make a change on campus. I’ve been really active across the University for the last few years. I want to make a difference to make their experience better.
What aspects of Guild life are you most involved with currently?
Societies, societies, societies. I have been on committees for years. I am secretary for Labour Soc, and involved in campus wide campaigns.
Is there anything else you want to say to the student body?
Vote Will Jones as first preference, as where there’s a will there’s a way.
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Interview not possible
Interview not possible
Year of Study: Masters
Subject of Study: International Finance
Could you briefly go over the main points of your manifesto?
Free gym, as it should not be a luxury. It’s a basic need for all students.
Lower tuition fees. International students are paying a lot, especially when you add on the cost of accommodation.
Job quotas, as not everyone is getting equal opportunities.
Safety for all genders. For example, we only have female and male toilets on campus outside of the Guild.
What made you want to run to be a student officer?
These were the problems I was facing personally, such as the cost of the gym and societies. For example, I do karate and scuba diving and I had to stop part way through the year due to the cost. I don’t want anyone else to have to deal with the same problems that I have.
What aspects of Guild life are you most involved with currently?
I am part of four societies now, and three clubs. My favourites are horse riding, fencing and scuba diving.
Is there anything else you want to say to the student body?
Everyone should vote based on the points of the candidates. Making use of the ranking system, and use your votes widely.
Interview not possible
Year of Study: Masters
Subject of Study: Psychology
Could you briefly go over the main points of your manifesto?
I am standing up accessibility, wellbeing and inclusivity. Students with disabilities have the same rights to education, but just need a little more support to understand their circumstances.
I want a fair assessment of where the University’s spending is going. What causes are we spending money on?
Education on wheels. We’ve all been bored in lectures, but imagine learning was more about going out to places and meeting with industry experts.
We should incorporate different styles of learning, including the use of AI as it is a very powerful tool.
I am also passionate about a vibrant campus. I love fashion and dance, and I want to increase the life and energy of campus.
Aeroponic tower farming is a great way to grow veggies, to be used in student led community kitchens and revitalise green spaces on campus.
What made you want to run to be a student officer?
I’ve always been enthusiastic about bringing a change. There’s always an urge within me to do something. People always wait for someone to make a change, well I am that change. I don’t fear standing up for what is right. I want to represent people’s voices who are not heard.
What aspects of Guild life are you most involved with currently?
I’m currently associated with LGBTQ+ Society, gardening society, and dance society. These are the thing I really love doing. Life can get lonely, especially as an international student, but this is a way to find your own family.
Is there anything else you want to say to the student body?
All in all, this isn’t a dream it’s a choice your choice.
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Interview not possible
Year of Study: Third Year
Subject of Study: Civil Engineering
Could you briefly go over the main points of your manifesto?
No one is talking about the academic side of uni, and someone needs to talk about this side. Students need good teachers not good academics and that’s what I am focusing on.
What made you want to run to be a student officer?
There isn’t enough focus on the main part of uni, the academics. We need better real life applications to our learning. If we look at how much money students are paying, we need to make sure we are getting our money’s worth on education.
What aspects of Guild life are you most involved with currently?
I am a student rep for my course.
Is there anything else you want to say to the student body?
If you don’t like things in your education, speak up about it. If you don’t like how a module is structured or how an assignment works then speak up. We can make a change.
Year of Study: Masters
Subject of Study: Law
Could you briefly go over the main points of your manifesto?
Syncing your timetable app with your calendar to be more organised.
The CIBC platform for International Students to pay their fees can be hard to navigate and people have had problems uploading their fees.
More opportunities for Masters Students as many feel they haven’t had enough opportunities.
What made you want to run to be a student officer?
There are a few big issues which I don’t think people are giving a platform too, as they don’t realise how important they are.
What aspects of Guild life are you most involved with currently?
I volunteer within the Guild, such as volunteering at the Swap Shop. I also like getting involved with socials.
Is there anything else you want to say to the student body?
Just don’t go for the face, go for the manifesto.
Year of Study: Master
Subject of Study: Philosophy
Could you briefly go over the main points of your manifesto?
Generate more opportunities for students so they can have hands on experience in world class projects including working with individual professors.
Get students access to all software regardless of their courses, for example law students have access to design software.
Reducing prices for accommodation, and in the Guild Shop.
What made you want to run to be a student officer?
Coming to the UK as an International Student, I’ve struggled to gain UK based experience and this is a chance to do that.
After communicating with Students I have become aware of different problems, and I would like to change them.
What aspects of Guild life are you most involved with currently?
I am currently a member of my Halls Student Committee, so I help to arrange events Dover Court.
I am also a social coordinator at Hindu Society. We’ve recently had Charity Balls and we are having Holy events.
Is there anything else you want to say to the student body?
My campaign focuses on your University experience, so if you want the opportunity to be involved with world class projects you should vote for me.
Year of Study: Masters
Subject of Study: Law
Could you briefly go over the main points of your manifesto?
More inclusive and affordable campus dining, which would mean introducing a buffet system. This would cover requirements such as plant based food, halal and gluten free dining.
Avoiding the overlapping of assessment deadlines, which can be supported by coordinating with course reps.
Strengthening student involvement in decision making. By introducing regular calls on key initiatives, students have the power to choose what they want on the things that matter to them.
What made you want to run to be a student officer?
As soon as I saw the Guild for the first time, I knew I wanted to get involved and help to make changes. I want to make a positive change for students.
Is there anything else you want to say to the student body?
I’m just a student, just like you are. So if you guys want to see a positive change vote for that.
Interview not possible
Year of Study: Graduated before becoming Vice-President
Subject of Study: Architectural Engineering
Could you briefly go over the main points of your manifesto?
Firstly, Making assessments more accessible for students. I have been working on this throughout the year, collecting feedback from lots of different students and I will be taking that feedback to the university soon. It’s not a one year job, as it’s changing some of the biggest policies of the university.
The second policy is more inclusive campus facilities. Things such as a bigger Muslim prayer room, bidets in the toilets which is something a lot of international students are asking for.
I want challenge the cost of living crisis, this was on my manifesto last year and this year. We need cheaper food on campus, support of students struggling financially, cheaper laundry facilities and accommodations.
Finally, I want to cut the unethical partnerships with the university. We do not want ties with arms companies or fossil fuel companies.
What made you want to run to be a student officer?
I am an international student, and I think I represent a lot of people who might not always feel represented at university. Throughout the last year I have raised a lot of different issues with university staff who’ve said they have never heard about that even if they were quite big issues. I thought to myself that this is why I need to rerun to make sure the voices of students are still heard.
What aspects of Guild life are you most involved with currently?
As a student I was really involved with societies. I was the president of Arab society, and on committee for my whole university degree. I was education officer for Liverpool Palestine society.
I tried to do as much fundraising as possible in different events for students, and activism.
Is there anything else you want to say to the student body?
Be as loud as you can all the time. People do not always know what issues we are having, and we need to make sure we are telling them all the time. Even if it doesn’t get fixed overnight we need to keep pushing for what we want.
Year of Study: First Year
Subject of Study: Geography
Could you briefly go over the main points of your manifesto?
A Guild loyalty card where you amass points at that equals free stuff.
Better mental health. I am working on free classes for the gym, and cheaper memberships.
And easing exam pressure. So less exam stacking and giving you a nice break after exams.
What made you want to run to be a student officer?
I ran for the roll because I feel passionate in trying to make a change. I want people to have more rewards, I want people to see a difference. And I want the uni of Liverpool to become a better place than it already is.
What aspects of Guild life are you most involved with currently?
I’m currently with the geography netball worldies. I love it very much. I use all of the Guild stuff, especially Union Brew. The matchas are to die for.
Is there anything else you want to say to the student body?
Please vote Lauren, I will definitely deliver and thank you so much for all of your support. Lauren for president 2025.
Year of Study: First Year
Subject of Study: Politics
Could you briefly go over the main points of your manifesto?
I am standing on the socialist, anti-cuts, anti-war platform. I don’t believe people should be put into debt at the start of their adult life just because they want to go to university. If I’m elected Guild President I would like to rally people against the rise of tuition fees and also the job cuts currently going on at Universities across the country.
What made you want to run to be a student officer?
I have decided to run because I think my policies are very important, and I believe that there should be a president of the Guild who takes a stand against fee rises and cuts as they’re very big problems going on at the moment that aren’t getting talked about enough.
What aspects of Guild life are you most involved with currently?
I am currently involved with quite a few societies. I do quite enjoy helping out and being around campus doing things. I intend to get even more involved once I am in a Guild Officer position.
Is there anything else you want to say to the student body?
If you want a socialist candidate who will stand against tuition fee increases and cuts on the university campus, expand the night bus and encourage the uni to open their books and become financially transparent then vote socialist. Vote for me, and vote for Hannah Ponting
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Interview not possible
Year of Study: Masters
Subject of Study: Data Science and Economics
Could you briefly go over the main points of your manifesto?
Leadership, volunteering and representation. Students first always, and I want them to have their voices heard across the university.
I want to implement more leadership opportunities to develop their skills.
What made you want to run to be a student officer?
When I first heard about the role I wanted to get involved because it’s aligned to my skill set and I am very interested in leadership opportunities.
I also wanted to make an impact on the university. As a current student I have seen a lot of positive and negative aspects of the university so I want to change that.
What aspects of Guild life are you most involved with currently?
I think societies are a great aspect of the uni as a lot of students are aligned to them. Both British Nationals and International students. Volunteering is also a great opportunity to develop skills.
Is there anything else you want to say to the student body?
As my vision says, students first always. If I become the president, there will be a lot of different opportunities for you to grow next year.
Interview not possible
Year of Study: Graduated before becoming Vice-President
Subject of Study: Geography
Could you briefly go over the main points of your manifesto?
I am running on sustainability, a student travel ticket for the whole of the Merseyside region to increase student safety, to increase rent support and ethical investment.
What made you want to run to be a student officer?
I am running again because I am so close on some things that I have done this year, like release the gender expression fund, opened the swap shop, lots of lobbying with the council and the university. With the travel ticket, I am so close to being done on that that I just want to get it finished.
What aspects of Guild life are you most involved with currently?
I’ve listed a lot above, I have also made the campus pro-choice and I am just waiting for that to get approved by the board of trustees. I organised the first reclaim the night march since 2019. I have been trying to bring the community together and listening to what students want.
Is there anything else you want to say to the student body?
I just want to improve students experiences, and if they have any questions or anything I can work on I am still in my current role in June so just get in touch.
Please note all candidates have been ordered randomly.
Photo credits to Liverpool Guild of Students.