Students on campus

On Campus

7th October 2021

Returning to Campus

British universities have started opening their doors and the Scouse are insistent on in-person teaching. With many lectures and seminars returning to face-to-face learning, second-year students are stepping foot on campus for the first time as if they are freshers once more.

However, with over 27,000 daily COVID-19 cases in the UK last week, students are cautioned to follow COVID safety rules around Campus. From wearing masks in class to one-way flow systems to seminar podcasts for students who are too unwell to come in; the university is hot on it. The University of Liverpool has taken reasonable measures to ensure the safety of its student/staff community, which has seen a rightful fall in students’ anxiety towards on-campus learning.

Getting Involved

Now, more than ever is the time for students to put themselves out there and try new things. After three years of experience as a university student, I have a few cheat-code tips for my fellow students. Firstly, I would say to always put yourself out there. Start conversations with as many strangers as you can. Sign up for every club that intrigues you. Attend every event and social you are invited to and try as many new and exciting activities that you never would have thought you would do. The crazier it seems to you the more I would encourage you to take part! At university, you will discover who you are, and discover who you have always been. Get to know yourself that little bit more!

Ultimately, most of you attending the University of Liverpool will have travelled from different cities, so I invite you to explore what our brilliant city has to offer. To give you a head start I have listed some must-visit locations for you and your friends…

Must-Visit Spots in Liverpool

  • The Royal Albert Dock / Port of Liverpool
  • Liberte Rooftop Bar
  • Baltic Market
  • Panoramic 34
  • Formby Beach

And the rest is for you to discover.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Charlotte May from Pexels